How to Share a GIF on Facebook | Upload GIF On Facebook

How to Share a GIF on Facebook

How to Share a GIF on Facebook – For you share a GIF on Facebook is simple when you go through this page. Just read carefully.


How to Share a GIF on Facebook

GIPHY has three options to get your GIFs to share on Facebook. You can do one of the following:

  • Upload a GIF natively into Facebook’s status box.
  • Upload a GIF directly to Facebook directly from or the GIPHY mobile app.
  •   Use the GIF button in Facebook’s status box.

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Upload the GIF natively into Facebook’s status box

  • On or the GIPHY mobile app, click on the selected GIF that you would like to post on Facebook.
  •   Once you click on the GIF, you will be directed to the GIF detail page.
  • On desktop, save the GIF by right-clicking and hit save. On mobile, you can save the GIF to your camera roll.
  •   Open your Facebook profile and navigate to the status box.
  • In the status box, click on “Photo/Video” and select your saved GIF.
  • Once your GIF is uploaded, click Share.

Upload a GIF directly to Facebook directly from

  • On, click on the selected GIF that you’d like to post on Facebook.
  •   Once you click on the GIF, you will be directed to the GIF detail page.
  •   Click on the Facebook upload button located on the GIF detail page. The Facebook upload button is located on the right hand side of the GIF under “Share It!” in the GIF detail page.

Upload a GIF directly to Facebook directly from the GIPHY App

  • Once you tap the button, it will open a selection of social sharing buttons — tap on the Facebook button.
  • Once you tap on the Facebook button, it will automatically the GIF in the status box Facebook.
  •   Type your text.
  • Once you’re finished with your post, click Share.

    Use the GIF button in Facebook’s status box

  • Open the status box in your Facebook profile.
  • Click the GIF icon to search for and select a GIF from the GIF library.
  • Once the GIF is selected, the GIF will attach to your Facebook post.
  • Once you’re finished with your post, click Share.


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