How to Connect Your Facebook With Your Pinterest – Draw FB Traffic To Pinterest

How to Connect Your Facebook With Your Pinterest

How to Connect Your Facebook With Your Pinterest – If you connect Facebook with Pinterest you will see that both of them work very well owing that a lot of people are into the platform. Read through this page for details on How to Connect Your Facebook With Your Pinterest



Pinterest is a platform that gives the opportunity for people to advertise products (most especially consumer products). This is why a huge number of individuals visit Pinterest to shop. This is very interesting because if you have something like an online shop, Pinterest is just one awesome way for you to grow your business and increase your customer database.

How to Draw FB Traffic To Pinterest

You can draw traffic from your Facebook account or Facebook Page to your Pinterest account so that FB friends and fans can see your boards and pins?.


Related: How to Connect Instagram With Facebook


Although when signing up with Pinterest you will be given the option to sign up using Facebook which is one way to connect your Facebook and your Pinterest but that aside I am talking about how you can drive people from your Facebook to your Pinterest.

How to Connect Your Facebook With Your Pinterest

If you have a Facebook Fan Page and you are looking for a way to get your fans to visit your board where you market your products, there is an easy way to do this. Thanks to Facebook for allowing this.


Follow the steps below to connect your Facebook with Pinterest;

  1. Search for Pinterest Tab for Pages App on your Facebook search bar
  2. Quickly install the app
  3. Input your Facebook Page
  4. Get on your Facebook Fan Page or Business Page and you will observe that the
  5. Pinterest Tab has been added to the sidebar of your Facebook Page
  6. Finally, add the link to your page on Pinterest

As you can see, it is a very easy process which will do you a lot of good when applied so I advise you to take advantage of this. Pinterest and Facebook are out to make sure that users have amazing users experience for whatsoever they decide they want to do on their platform at just any time.


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