How to Delete Photo Tags on Facebook | Remove Photo Tag of Someone Else in Your Image

How to Delete Photo Tags on Facebook

How to Delete Photo Tags on Facebook – Facebook tags link people and locations to photos and notifications  out to tagged people whenever a photo is commented on or shared.


Facebook Tags

Tags also enable the friends of the tagged person to view the photo, even if those friends aren’t connected to the person who posted the image.

Related: How To Remove Tag On Facebook


However, with the popularity of cell phone cameras and the ease with which people can take and upload photos to Facebook, embarrassing or otherwise compromising photos can find their way onto people’s news feeds.

How to Delete Photo Tags on Facebook

This can be especially troublesome if co-workers or employers are Facebook friends, and there may be occasions in which you wish to remove a photo tag of yourself or of other people in your own photo albums.

Remove Photo Tag of Yourself in Someone Else’s Image
  1. Click your profile icon on the top right corner of the screen and click the “Photos” icon in the top timeline menu.
  2. Scroll down to the “Photos and Videos of You” section. These are all the photos and videos that have your tags in them.
  3. Click on the photo you from which wish to remove your tag.
  4. Hover the mouse cursor over the photo and click on “Options” in the bottom menu.
  5. Click “Report/Remove Tag” from the menu.
  6. Click the “Continue” button.
  7. Click the “Continue” button again. Your tag is removed and the photo is blocked from your timeline.


Remove Photo Tag of Someone Else in Your Image
  • Click your profile icon on the top right corner of the screen and click the “Photos” icon in the timeline menu bar.
  • Navigate to the album that the photo is in and click on the photo.
  • Click the “Edit” button to the right of the photo.
  • Click the “X” next to the person’s name that you wish to remove from the photo.


You can turn on an option to review and approve photos before your tag appears. Click the arrow at the top right corner of the Facebook homepage, click “Privacy Settings,” click the “Edit Settings” link next to “Timeline and Tagging” and click the link next to “Review posts friends tag you in before they appear on your timeline.”


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