US F1 Visa Interview Questions in Nigeria – U.S. Visa Interview Questions for Applicants in the Nigerian Embassy

US F1 Visa Interview Questions in Nigeria

US F1 Visa Interview Questions in Nigeria – U.S. Visa Interview Questions for Applicants in the Nigerian Embassy. More and more people get interested in traveling. It is connected with cultural and educational developments. Besides, more people than in the past can afford it. Wanna travel to the U.S? Below are the most frequently asked interview questions. Feel free to study and practice it very well.


US F1 Visa Interview Questions in Nigeria

The American interview is one of the most popular visa interviews for Nigerian residents and notoriously the most grueling. This is because many of the interviewees or visa applicants are not well prepared for the interview.

We may choose any country, but it’s necessary to keep in mind the documentation and requirements for them might be different. Plenty of us dream of America. That’s why it’s important to know what US visa interview questions in Nigeria are.

This post collates some of the frequently asked questions during American visa interviews – not only in Nigeria but also all over the world.

Though these exact questions may not be asked, preparing with these questions would have you ready when a variance is asked during your interview.

First of all, make sure you understand what visa actually is. It is a kind of authorization given by a country to a non-citizen to enter and remain within that particular country for a limited period.

Remember, visas might be of various types, which will depend, for example, on the purpose of your visit or any other factors. Each kind may also require special documents.

Types of Visa.

We’re going to observe different types of visas according to various factors. By purpose, they may be divided into:

  • Transit. It is necessary when you’re able to reach the destination only by passing through the other state. Such visas’re quite short in term – from several hours to ten days. There exist airside ones (for the countries that demand them for making the change on their territory) and crew member ones (for instance, for stewardesses).
  • Short-stay. They might be private (for example, to see a friend), tourist, business or medical visas, and so on. They are appropriate for short limited visits.
  • Long-stay. They are for a longer stay, however, they’re also limited. It might be work, journalist or student visa, etc.
  • Immigrant. They are for those, who’re planning to become permanent residents of a certain country. The particular kind depends on the grounds. There can be spousal, marriage, pensioner visas, and so on.
  • Official. It is only for officials and government needs. For example, a diplomatic visas.

Division by Insurance Method:

1. On-arrival: There are countries, which can make this document at port of entry.
Electronic. You apply via the Internet. And then your visa’s stored in the database, while no marks and labels in your passport are necessary.
Traditional way of obtaining visa is to apply for it at an embassy of the country you’re going to visit.

These are the most common varieties of visa. They depend on particular country and its laws.

In order to get a visa for this country, you should follow the steps:

2. Prepare the documents: Before the application makes sure, you’ve all the necessary papers valid.

You must have the following:

  • Passport (it should have validity date six months more than the planned period of your stay),
  • Fee payment receipt (pay for visa and get a special paper from GTBank),
  • The printed confirmation page (we’ll observe in at the next step),
  • E-mail and phone number (both must be available),
  • Any documents required by visa class (for instance, I-20 for a student visa, etc.).

3. Application: What you first must do is to apply (it’s necessary for both adults and children). You must fulfill and submit in via the Internet before actually going to the embassy.

It’ll have a special barcode number, with the help of which your interview will be booked. Remember that no handwritten or typed applications will be accepted.

Before submitting, check that all the data are correct and true. Otherwise, there might be problems with entering the US.

While fulfilling you need to select an interview location. It must correspond to the one where you schedule an appointment (either Lagos or Abuja).

Don’t forget that everything must be in English. Besides, you’ll need a color photo of high quality (bring it to the embassy). After submission, you have to print the confirmation page.

4. Interview: This is the last and most important stage. If you’ve done everything right, you’ll be booked for the interview. Don’t forget to take all the papers, listed above, and a photo with you.

To pass successfully through it, you should know likely interview questions. They are usually available on the Internet. However, we’ll try to observe the most common ones.

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US F1 Visa Interview Questions in Nigeria – U.S. Visa Interview Questions for Applicants in the Nigerian Embassy

US visa interview questions in Nigeria might be very different and sometimes even strange. It’s impossible to guess all of them. However, there is a set of standard ones, which are always asked. And in order to give correct answers, you should get familiar with them.

1. Why do you want to travel to the US?

You must tell me about the goal of your visit. If you’re planning to work, you may mention a particular company. If you’re going to study, name the university, etc.

Remember that all the information will be computerized, so be careful to say everything correctly.

2. How long will you stay in the US?

Tell me about the length of your trip. Be very accurate.

3. Do you have relatives in the USA?
Give a true answer. Besides, never tell about any relatives until they ask you to.

4. Where will you stay?
Provide them with every detail. It’s better to memorize the address. It also must be the same as in your application.

5. Have you booked the tickets?
Answer yes/no.

6. When do you want to go?
Say when you’re going to visit the country. At least, a month.

7. Have you bought visitor medical insurance?
You must say that you’ll do it as soon as you get a visa.

8. Will you work in the US?
If you’ve applied for such type of visa, then say “yes”. Otherwise, say no. And tell about the purpose of the trip (for instance, tourism).

9. How will you pay for your trip?
Make sure you’ve all the papers if you pay for everything yourself. If anyone supports you, you’ll need sponsor documents.

10. Will you come back to Nigeria?
Answer: yes, I definitely will. It’s better not to say you’re going to stay there, even if you actually are.

These are common questions that might be addressed to any applicant despite the visa type. There may be also a special question.

For example, if you want to study in the USA, student visa interview questions will require information about your university or college, the purpose of your education, and some other things.

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Important Tips On US F1 Visa Interview Questions in Nigeria

If you’re going to the interview to get your visa, the following advice should be very helpful for you:

  • Wear formal clothes. It’s essential to look neat and business-like.
  • Come early. There might be traffic jams or any other troubles.
  • Be confident. There is nothing good about being nervous. If you’ve prepared, everything’ll be all right.
  • Greet the officer. Being polite is very effective.
  • Eye contact. It’s better to look in the eyes of the officer.
  • Don’t argue. It may lead to additional and unrelated questions.
  • Don’t feel afraid of asking again. If you haven’t understood any phrase, it’s okay if you ask once more.
  • Think before answering tricky questions. Sometimes officers may ask “What would you do if you won the jackpot in Las Vegas casino?” Be careful and think it over. If the officer finds out you’re planning to stay or work in the US, your visa might be rejected.
  • Be honest. Everything must correspond to your documents and application.
  • Mind your manners. It’s advisable to avoid unnecessary movements.

Now you know about types of visa and American visa interview questions. Try to prepare thoroughly and everything will be good.

Besides, try to remember the important tips during the interview and stay calm. If you’ve all the obligatory papers and you are honest, you’ll get a visa without any doubts.

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