How to Unfriend Someone On Facebook | Restrict Someone to Limit Their Access

How to Unfriend Someone On Facebook

How to Unfriend Someone On Facebook-  Facebook has made it easy for the users to de-list or unfriend someone who you are fed up due to some unusual attitude. Read carefully below.

How to Unfriend Someone On Facebook

To unfriend someone, do the following:

  1. Log on the Facebook here
  2. Go to the person’s Timeline.
  3. Click the Friends button. A menu appears that is for assigning people to Friend Lists. …
  4. Click the Unfriend link. A window pops up asking if you’re sure you want to remove this friend.
  5. Click the Remove from Friends button.
  6. Take a moment of silence.
  7. That’s all
To add someone to your acquaintances list.
  • Visit their page.
    Click on the button that reads “Friends” toward the bottom of their banner photo.
    Select Acquaintances.
Unfollow to Secretly “Unfriend”

There is a middle ground option between completely deleting someone from your friends list entirely and keeping them around to continue viewing their posts.

Related: How To Unfriend a Friend On Facebook


Facebook gives users the option to unfollow users from their pages, which makes it easy to keep someone on your profile’s friends list while never having to read their posts again. Perfect for estranged family members, ex-roommates, or former bosses, using the unfollow option keeps your feed tailored to exactly how you want it while also making sure you don’t have to remove users you may need to contact months or years down the road.

Restrict Someone to Limit Their Access

Finally, depending on the person you’re trying to remove from your account, you may choose to use your account preferences on Facebook to purposefully limit how they contact you. By restricting their access to your account, you can make it easy to hide your posts from them, in order to stop them from commenting on the things you post on Facebook.

Here’s how to restrict a friend’s access to your account on Facebook.

  • Visit their page.
  • Click on the button that reads “Friends” toward the bottom of their banner photo.
  • Select Add to another list…
  • Select Restricted at the bottom of your available lists.
  • Restricted friends can only see posts that you’ve made public or sometimes posts that you’ve specifically shared with mutual friends. They can’t see private or friends only posts, which means they won’t be able to invade your comments with their own thoughts and opinions.



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