Facebook Dating Problems – Facebook Dating Platform | Facebook Dating Solution

Facebook Dating Problems

Facebook Dating Problems – Facebook dating is really useful because ever since it launches on the platform, it has delivered as Facebook expected it to. Facebook dating is the latest dating platform in the world, and it gives you the chance to meet someone new to date. Although Facebook dating is a really good feature, it must certainly have some problems that you find difficult to get by.

Facebook Dating Problems

Facebook dating is the latest feature Facebook just added to their platform. Facebook has always brought people together using the features they have, now they help users hook up.

If you use the Facebook dating feature well enough, then you should have encountered some minor problems that need to be handled on the platform. there are lots of reasons why you as a user might encounter a problem using Facebook dating. it is not wise that you just jump into conclusion that it would not work for you because, if you do that, Facebook you might never know what the issue is. Read this article carefully for Facebook dating problems and how to solve them.

Major Facebook Dating Platform Problems

Major Facebook Dating Platform Problems to Users are Complaining About
If the Facebook Dating icon Does Not Appear in Your Facebook Account, there might be an issue causing it to be so:

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There are lots of reason why you might not find the Facebook dating feature on your Facebook account. First, let’s start with the minor or not so serious reasons.

If you are not up to 18, then the Facebook dating feature would not work in your device. So, if you probably by accident entered a wrong date of birth that makes you younger than 18 then do not expect the feature to work for you.

Facebook dating features are only available for use in the Facebook dating app. So, if you are making use of the Facebook web, you would need to switch to the mobile app.

Right now, Facebook Dating is only available in 20 countries. So, before using Facebook dating or complaining search for countries that Facebook dating is available. If you do that and you cannot find your country then Facebook dating would not appear for you.

NOTE: With all these stated, you should have it at the back of your mind that in other to use Facebook dating, you must be above 18, have the Facebook app and Facebook dating must be available in your country. So, if your issue has anything to do with what is stated above, then you have no real issue. But in case your problem does not fall under any of what is stated above then keep on reading this article for more solution.

Facebook Dating Solution

In other to access Facebook dating all you have to do is to open your Facebook app, click the menu icon, then scroll down and click the dating icon. With that, you would be transferred to the dating section. If you are on the dating section you would need to create a profile before you can start using it. So, if creating a profile is your problem, here is how to do it:

How to Solve Facebook Dating Profile Problem

  1. Click start, then follow the on-screen direction for fixing a profile
  2. You would be required to specify the gender you wish to find, select your location and choose a peasant photo of yourself
  3. With that, Facebook would generate a dating profile for you using your Facebook account.
  4. All you have to do is adjust the profile to the way you want it by tapping the preview profile option.
  5. Once you are done, click “done”.
  6. And with that, your profile would be set for use. At least this should reduce your problem when trying to fix up your dating profile.

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