F.G’s Shoot At Sight Order Against Biafra Agitators Is A War Declaration – IPOB

F.G's Shoot At Sight Order Against Biafra Agitators Is A War Declaration

F.G’s Shoot At Sight Order Against Biafra Agitators Is A War Declaration – The attention of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) ably led by our great leader Mazi Nnamdi Kanu has been drawn to the recent security meeting held in Aso Rock by the Service Chiefs and the impostor parading himself as President Muhammadu Buhari.

F.G’s Shoot At Sight Order Against Biafra Agitators Is A War Declaration

Far-reaching but undisclosed decisions were reached at the meeting on how to quell insecurity in the Eastern region.
It’s on record that nobody from South East was present or invited at the meeting where such critical decisions were taken. Despite the mounting public outcry trailing the decision of the Fulani controlled federal government to commence another military operation in the Eastern region as approved at the meeting with shoot-on-sight order against Igbo youths and Biafra agitators, the security agencies are bent on carrying out the order.

Just two days ago, the Inspector General of Police while launching a special Police Operation for South East called Operation Restore Peace, in Enugu confirmed the peoples fears when he asked police personnel not to wait for any other special order before they start killing protesters and anyone confronting them in the zone. He assured them of federal protection against human rights allegations or prosecutions, urging them to take the war to the people in their homes.

He specifically directed them to ensure they eliminate anybody suspected to be a Biafran agitator or IPOB member, and not to bother bringing them to Police stations anymore.
Our intelligence unit has equally uncovered another secret meeting where the federal government of Nigeria authorized the security Chiefs to crush IPOB members, Biafra agitators and youths in the Eastern region, assuring them of adequate protection against any prosecution by human rights organisations.

Our intelligence further revealed that part of their decision at the meeting was to use use those Boko Haram members they recruited into the Nigeria military and police to eliminate anybody they see on the street as being currently witnessed in Imo State. The military invaded students hostel in Owerri shooting sporadically and directly at people.

We are equally aware that the Fulani-controlled Federal Government of Nigeria had ordered another military operation codenamed ” Operation Restore Peace” in the South East and South South. This is only but another “Operation Massacre Biafrans” in disguise.


There are so many security challenges in the North where the rampaging Boko Haram terrorists and bandits have siezed the control of many communities and Local Government Areas, yet there is no shoot-on-sight order declared by the double-faced Buhari-led federal government. South East and South South are not in war with anybody but Fulani terrorists supported by Nigeria government brought war in our land, killing innocent people while pointing accusing fingers at IPOB members and ESN operatives.

The action of the federal government is nothing but a declaration of war against Biafrans. The Buhari-led administation and his Service Chief have no moral justification to take a military action against South East without a South Eastern in attendance at the meeting where such decision was purportedly taken. This, and of course the appointment of Service Chiefs were in clear violation of the principles of Federal Character enshrined in the zoo’s constitution.

Every indigenous community in Biafraland must be careful and prepared because they have brought the war in our door step. They have already started burning people’s houses and killing them. But our God shall fight for us and we will defeat them. The same way they could not crush us during the three-year Biafra war, they won’t be able to prevail even now.

We are also want to put the world on notice that Buhari and his Service Chiefs should be held accountable for any genocide or war in Eastern Nigeria. They brought the war to our door steps and we have no option but to defend our ancestral land. And that we must do irrespective of the cost!


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