COVID-19 Outbreak | How to Stay Safe During COVID-19 Outbreak – Safety Measures for COVID-19

How to Stay Safe During COVID-19 Outbreak

How to Stay Safe During COVID-19 Outbreak – Do you Want to know How to Stay Safe during This COVID-19 Outbreak? Then you are on the right track. A lot of people all over the world today think they are in danger of catching the disease. And sooner or later, they would get infected with the virus. This guide will tell you ways to stay safe during the COVID-19 outbreak.

CoronaVirus (COVID-19)

Coronavirus Means  Coronavirus Disease in 2019 (COVID-19). This disease is caused by SARS-CoV-2. SARS-CoV-2 is a Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2. After its identification in 2019 in Wuhan, China, the virus has since spread from China to almost all parts of the world.

Over two hundred countries have recorded cases of the COVID-19. The disease has been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization, W.H.O. and has been working to make sure the spread of the virus is contained.

Symptoms of Coroniavirus (COVID-19)

The symptoms of COVID-19 are very similar to that of cold. Some of the symptoms of COVID-19 Includes;

  1. Headache,
  2. Running nose,
  3. Chills,
  4. Sore throat,
  5. Diarrhea,
  6. Nasal congestion,
  7. Joint aches,
  8. Tiredness,
  9. Dry cough,
  10. Fever,
  11. Nausea,
  12. Chest pain,
  13. Sneezing,
  14. High temperature.

Some other serious symptoms are loss of sense of smell and taste, tightness of breath, shortness of breath, multi-organ failure and conjunctiva congestion.

These symptoms usually start gradually, and then it gets to the more serious once. From the time of infection, it takes about fourteen days for the symptoms of the virus to show in an infected person. This is the reason why social distancing is being practiced until the virus becomes a thing of the past.


How to Stay Safe During This COVID-19 Outbreak

The measures to take in order to stay safe during this outbreak are very easy and simple. If followed diligently, one can be assured of safety from the virus. However, before we learn about how to stay safe during this COVID-19 outbreak, let us know more about the virus COVID-19.


Related: Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19): How to Prevent Coronavirus

Safety Measures for Coronavirus COVID-19

Some of the safety measures that one could implore will be listed on this guide for you. The safety measures equal the prevention of the virus. Knowing that the virus can spread from one person to another, we should observe proper hygiene.

Some of the ways one could get infected by the coronavirus are as follows;

  1. Coming in contact with someone that has been infected with the virus
  2. Standing less than one meter away from an infected person.
  3. Failing to wash your hands regularly and thoroughly with soap.
  4. Touching surfaces that could have the virus settled on it.
  5. Touching your face (eyes, nose or mouth) with your hands as it has orifice through which the virus can get access into your body.
  6. Failing to stay at home or observe social distancing when in the midst of people.
  7. Failing to clean surfaces with sanitizers or soapy water to remove possible virus on them.
  8. Not carry hand sanitizers with you or using it frequently.

Safety Measures Guidelines To Avoid Contacting Coronavirus

Now, that there is an outbreak of the virus, these are the following things you can get done to stay safe.

  1. Make sure to use face mask when in public or in the midst of people.
  2. Always wash your hands thoroughly and do it frequently with soap and water.
  3. Use hand sanitizers on your hands after touching things and surfaces in public.
  4. Always cough or sneeze into your elbow.
  5. Stand at least one meter away from infected persons.
  6. Observe social distance with others.
  7. Report cases of people who are unwell to the nearest health centers.
  8. Get tested for the virus after coming in contact with others or infected persons.
  9. Always dispose napkins, face mask and tissues used by you to cough or sneeze properly.
  10. Do not reuse a tissue, paper towels or wipes.
  11. Disinfect surfaces and your home to get rid of the virus.
  12. Follow health rules laid down in your area and country to help combat the spread of the virus.
  13. Carry sanitizers with you of you have to go outside your home.

By following these instructions, you are sure to be safe during this Covid-19 outbreak.

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